After the conclusion of the Biennale College VR International’s journey in January with the interactive virtual reality project Math is Weird by the Angloenezuelan director Ana Corrie, which will participate in the Venice Production Bridge at Venezia78, AMNC vice-president Valentina Noya has begun the development of her first fiction film directed by Luca Buzzi Reschini. The director and producer of The Essential have just finished the Biennale College Cinema workshop on the island of San Servolo. The locations of the film are still being defined, but in all probability it will be shot in some areas of the Biella region, thanks to the logistical support of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte.
The National Cinema Museum Association is pleased to announce the winners of the eighth edition of the national film competition Lavori in corto. Let’s Stay Human, dedicated to cinematographic works that reflect on human rights issues.
More than one hundred films by young authors under 35 registered to compete for the following prizes:
the First Armando Ceste Prize with a value of 1,000 Euros, offered by Nova Coop, the large-scale distribution cooperative
the Grand Prize of the Jury, dedicated this year to Vittorio Arrigoni, with a value of 600 Euros
the Prize assigned by the Montessori Foundation Italy to the best film dealing with children’s rights, with a value of 600 Euros.
The jury of Lavori in Corto was composed of: President Stefano Francia di Celle, film historian and Director of the Torino Film Festival, Maria Elena Delia, friend and collaborator of Vittorio Arrigoni, to whom the competition is dedicated this year, representing the Vik Utopia Onlus Foundation, Marcella Filippa, Director of the Vera Nocentini Foundation, Carmen Riccato, Director of the Disability Film Festival, Paola Ramello of Amnesty International Italy, Halah Alawlaqi, journalist and human rights activist from Yemen, Barbara Sassano, trainer of the Montessori Foundation Italy and Vittorio Canavese, member of AMNC and national advisor of the Italian Trainers Association.
MENTIONS and AWARDS from Lavori in Corto. Let’s stay human
eHabitat Mention to Il muro bianco by Andrea Brusa and Marco Scotuzzi
The eHabitat mention for short films with an environmental theme goes to Il muro bianco by Andrea Brusa and Marco Scotuzzi. The work deals with a very important issue, unfortunately still current and that should not be overlooked. Asbestos is represented as an invisible enemy, through the metaphor of the spectrum (the mistakes) of the past that threaten the children (the future) by transforming what should support their dreams (the adults, the school, but if we want, the wall that supports the drawings) into something that actually threatens them. In addition, The White Wall has a perfection of writing that moves from the real to the metaphorical effectively, as well as a skillful use of framing without smearing or prolixity. For us, the editorial staff of eHabitat, this is a short film that manages to photograph a difficult reality without falling into the obvious or banal.
Special Mention to En Camino – Mexico, machismo and clouds by Cortese Fenucci and Vattese.
The Jury assigns a special mention to En Camino – Mexico, Machismo e Nuvole (En Camino – Mexico, Machismo and Clouds) by Cortese, Fenucci and Vattese with the following motivation: we feel it is our duty to mention this work, first of all for its ability to effectively witness an act of resistance by the women of Mexico City, offering at the same time, a sustainable model of the way in which the self-organization of self-managed protected urban contexts on the basis of solidarity, becomes an instrument of awareness of one’s own being as persons with human rights through the reciprocity of confrontation and exchange.
Special Mention to Umar by Francesco Cibati
The Jury gives a special mention to Umar by Francesco Cibati, presented in absolute preview, for its powerful and delicate approach at the same time, which offers us a glimpse of the Balkan route, crossed by many migrants in precarious conditions and without protection. A short film that through small gestures of solidarity, such as washing the feet of a migrant, a highly symbolic gesture, or the care of personal objects, food that unites, prayer as identity and need, tells us the story of a young man who arrives in Trieste from Pakistan, and others like him who are looking for a home, a welcoming place, freedom and protection of fundamental rights, which make life worth living.
Montessori Foundation Italy Award to Diciotto by Laura D’Angeli, Maria Colomer Canyelles and Dafne Lechuga Maroto
The Jury has decided to award the Montessori Foundation Italy Prize to Diciotto by Laura D’Angeli, Maria Colomer Canyelles and Dafne Lechuga Maroto for having highlighted the profoundly human value of Care, explained here as an educational bridge between childhood and adulthood, and for having narrated the complex nuances of being welcomed and of welcoming with respect and without expectations.
Vittorio Arrigoni Grand Jury Prize to Assomoud – House of the resilient children by Francesca Zonars
Vittorio Arrigoni Grand Jury Prize to Assomoud – House of the resilient children by Francesca Zonars presented in absolute preview at Lavori in Corto. The jury considered Assomoud to be a work capable of giving back, through the extraordinary story of the project “House of the Resilient Children”, a balanced, lucid and honest picture of the dramatic situation that Palestinian refugees have been forced to live for decades. Thanks to a meticulous research of archival material, perfectly integrated within the narration of the present, Francesca Zonars has managed to highlight at the same time the drama of the Palestinians, but also the greatness of a humanity capable not only of resisting, but also of planning and building.
First Prize Armando Ceste to Libertà by Savino Carbone
First Prize Armando Ceste to Libertà by Savino Carbone: the documentary, with emotional, narrative and formal attention through the direct story of the protagonists, presents us with the hope of finding in Italy the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms that are denied in their countries of origin and launches a strong request for accountability towards migrants.
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